An internship is a good way to receive job and experience in your preferred field while you are in college or soon after graduation. We (Clothing in Nepal) is here to provide you internship that will be a good match for your skills and education. Our vision is to promote students belongs to the field of Fashion designing. We provide you different skills and knowledge about Garment management, fashion designing & Internship in Nepal and office management.
Courses and Schedule
Garment management:
In Garment management we provide different training such as, internship, scratching, Packing and also we provide you folding, pressing, drying and washing knowledge. You will have practical as we as fruitful experience.
We our self is a company introducing new fashions in the international market and we are open to the students who has designing idea and knowledge seeking for the platform. Students will get to learn Portfolio layout, pattern cutting and many more course related practice in internship.
Office Management
Office management is significant subject to learn. so, we provide various managerial training . Mainly we are export oriented organization so, students will get opportunity to learn about import and export method of clothing. Well, we provide materials to explore design. We give priority to cultural dress designing . We are looking for innovative generation. Students will get certificate and job placement after the internship period.